dinsdag 10 april 2012

Go out of my head

Go out of my head
Go out of my head
Please go out of my head

You are making a mess in my head
You are ruining my heart
You grabbed my heart away from me

You grabbed it fast
You ruined it hard
Your mess is good

Go out of my head
Go out of my head
Please go out of my head

You are haunting in my head
And everything, I am doing
I am doing wrong

It hurts
The pain
That your not on my way
But that doesn't mean

You are not in my head anymore


Go out of my head
Go out of my head
Please go out of my head

Please go out of my head
but stay with me

vrijdag 6 april 2012


My feets went left
While my mind went straight ahead
I don't wanna lose
I don't wanna lose this moment

I still want you by my side
Just like the old times

Cause a broken heart
Is like a fallen tree
Once Broken
And it will never heal

I wish you were here
To heal that wound
Just to put me back
With my feet in the ground

My feet went left
While my soul went right
And I don't wanna lose you
I'am not gonna lose you

I don't wanna lose my mind
I don't wanna leave all those memories behind

A broken heart
Is like a fallen tree
Once broken
And it will never heal

I wish you were here
To heal that wound
Just to put me back
With my feet in the ground

My mind said go straight ahead
While my feet stopt running
My feet stop running all because of you

A broken heart
Is like a fallen tree
Once broken
And it will never heal

I wish you were here
To heal that wound
Just to put me back
With my feet in the ground

A broken heart
Is like a fallen tree
Once Broken
And it will never heal

But in that wound
There are new little lives
And I hope you will be a part of it
In my new live

My mind went straight ahead
While my soul went to you


zaterdag 31 maart 2012




Liefste mijn, mijn telegrammen kunnen
niet zo hartelijk zijn, want ze gaan door
zoveel militaire handen., maar je kunt mijn
liefde en verlangen tussen de regels lezen.
Mijn allervurigste gebeden zijn dag en
nacht bij je.

Ik zegen je en heb je lief, zoals een man
zelden gekoesterd werd. En ik kus alle
zozeer beminde plekjes en druk je teder tegen
mijn hart.

Voor altijd de jouwe. Je eigen vertrouwde vrouwtje




Jack, ik zal mijn gevoelens vandaag
 niet verbergen. Ik werd wakker met jou
in mijn hart en op mijn lippen. Jack
vandaag houd ik verschrikkelijk van je.
De hele wereld is weg. Alleen jij bent er.
Ik wandel rond, kleed me aan, eet,
schrijf - maar de hele tijd adem ik jou.
Het leven is te kort voor onze liefde,
zelfs als we alle jaren elk ogenblik bij
elkaar bleven.

Je vrouw

dinsdag 6 maart 2012


Used i was scared
afraid of everything

but now I'am gonna do it
I'll spread my wings

I'am gonna make it to New York and further
I'am gonna look behind the scene's

I'am gonna make it to New York and further
you can watch me on the magazines

 yes I'am gonna do it
yes I'am gonna make it
cause if I make it there
I can Make it everywhere

I'am gonna make it to New York and further
I'am gonna look behind the scene's

I'am gonna make it to New York and further
you can watch me on the magazines

Cause I'am gonna make it, Yes I'am gonna make it

I'am gonna make it
In New York

zondag 4 maart 2012


 Rome from Sint Pieters church
 On our roof thing
 The motor of the airbus
 Some love in the colosseum
 The clouds
 My sister and my with some strangers on the picture in a mirror
 Stil my Sister and I
 The cool Sint Pieter guards
 Rome by night
Amsterdam by night